Forsaken Mines


This Add-On contains a variety of assets to allow the creation of maps of old abandoned mines.

Technical Note: These assets are not isometric, they are trimetric. As such, in MapForge you will probably want to use them with the Grid Overlay and Snap-to-Grid disabled.

Artwork Resolution (pixels per grid square): 390

Content preview video:

Note: This product is only usable in the MapForge software (v1.2.5 or higher). It is not a collection of stand-alone graphics, but rather a single, copy-protected file which requires a registration code for the content to be accessible to the MapForge software.

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CompareSold By: Battlegrounds Games


Tiles: 10
Tile Overlays: 55
Items: 14
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 79

Tile Categories: 2
Rock Clusters (5)
Dirt Floor Patches (5)

Tile Overlay Categories: 6
Fences (4)
Mine Wall Tops (10)
Mine Walls (18)
Minecart Tracks (10)
Scaffolds with Barrels (4)
Stone Walls (9)

Item Categories: 4
Coffers (4)
Chests (5)
Camp Fire (1)
Minecarts (4)


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