Multi-part Set
This set is so large that it has been separated into 2 distinct Add-Ons.
- Part 1 focuses primarily on interior and exterior walls in a variety of materials (brick, cinder block, stone, cement, etc.) and those painted in a variety of colors.
- Part 2 focuses on interior wallpapered walls, as well as glass doors, full-height and half-height windows, and small non-modular buildings.
You can enable or disable each Add-On as needed during each mapping session.
Part 1
Tiles: 0
Tile Overlays: 474
Items: 0
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 474
Tile Overlay Categories: 29
Walls, Grey (21)
Walls, Terracotta (19)
Walls, Terracotta, Corner (4)
Walls, Green (26)
Walls, Blue (33)
Walls, Brown (26)
Walls, Yellow (20)
Walls, Yellow, Curtain Wall (16)
Walls, Cement Slab (23)
Cement Slab, Curtain Wall (10)
Cement Slab, Graffiti (6)
Walls, Brick, Red (22)
Walls, Brick, Red, Night (10)
Walls, Brick, Tan (26)
Walls, Grey Brick (21)
Walls, Orange Brick (16)
Walls, Brick, White (12)
Walls, Painted Brick (12)
Walls, Painted Brick Alt (12)
Walls, Grey Tiles (7)
Walls, Green Tiles (6)
Walls, Cinder Block (24)
Walls, Cinder Block, Corner (13)
Walls, Cinder Block, Entrance (4)
Walls, White Cinder Block (10)
Walls, Grey Wainscotted (10)
Walls, Stone (19)
Walls, Stone, Apertures (22)
Walls, Stone, Interior (22)
Part 2
Tiles: 0
Tile Overlays: 225
Items: 0
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 225
Tile Overlay Categories: 16
Wallpaper A (19)
Wallpaper A, Doors (6)
Wallpaper A, Windows (18)
Wallpaper A Ext (24)
Wallpaper A Doors Ext (5)
Wallpaper A Windows Ext (27)
Wallpaper B (8)
Wallpaper B, Doors (4)
Wallpaper B, Windows (14)
Entrances, Glass Doors (20)
Windows, Full-Height (8)
Windows, Half-Height (33)
Windows, Multi-pane (8)
Modular Structures, Left (8)
Modular Structures, Right (8)
Small Buildings (15)
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