Hex March, Vol. 2 – The North


This Add-On allows GMs to quickly make area and regional maps out of hex-shaped tiles, each depicting a different type of terrain or variant. With the 1100+ mapping assets contained in this Add-On, you can literally shape the land in an infinite number of ways and give your map character. It is perfect for creating West March style hex crawl maps.

The Add-On is compatible with Hex March Vol. 1, but offers new terrain types and mapping assets, including tundra, snowfields, snowy grasslands, glaciers, icebergs, snowy mountains, snow-capped pines, and a whole lot more. Volume 2 also expands on the desert terrains from Volume 1, and adds a ton of new symbols to key your maps with. Volume 2 can serve as a stand-alone set, and does not require Volume 1.

This Add-On is best suited for fantasy/medieval settings, but could be used for other genres as well.

Additional previews of this Add-On’s contents can be found here.

All artwork in this Add-On was created by Meditating Munky.

Artwork Resolution (pixels per grid square): 163 (best for use in maps that will be used in virtual tabletop software, as resolution might be a little low for use in printed maps)

Note: This product is only usable in the MapForge software. It is not a collection of stand-alone graphics, but rather a single, copy-protected file which requires a registration code for the content to be accessible to the MapForge software.

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CompareSold By: Meditating Munky


Multi-part Set

This set is so large (1118 assets) that it has been separated into 3 distinct Add-Ons.

You can enable or disable each Add-On as needed during each mapping session.

Part 1

Tiles: 374
Tile Overlays: 60
Items: 174
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 608

Tile Categories: 31
Grassland (12)
Grassland Cliff, Start/End (6)
Grassland Cliff, Middle (6)
Lakes 1 (17)
Lakes 2 (5)
Lakes 3 (2)
Land Bridge (3)
Northern Grass (24)
Northern Islands 1 (24)
Northern Islands 2 (6)
Northern Shore 1 (6)
Northern Shore 2A (33)
Northern Shore 2B (33)
Northern Shore 3A (21)
Northern Shore 3B (21)
Northern Shore 4A (18)
Northern Shore 4B (18)
Northern Shore 5 (12)
Oceans (5)
Snow (6)
Snow to Grass 1 (6)
Snow to Grass 2 (6)
Snow to Grass 3 (18)
Snow to Grass 4 (6)
Snow to Grass 5 (6)
Snow, Tundra (6)
Tundra to Grass 1 (6)
Tundra to Grass 2 (6)
Tundra to Grass 3 (18)
Tundra to Grass 4 (6)
Tundra to Grass 5 (6)

Tile Overlay Categories: 5
Symbols, Blue (12)
Symbols, Clear (12)
Symbols, Green (12)
Symbols, Red (12)
Symbols, Yellow (12)

Item Categories: 19
Hills (15)
Markers (3)
Miscellaneous Topography (5)
Mountains (11)
Pine Trees (12)
Pine Trees, Snow (9)
Stone Road, Start/End (6)
Stone Road, Straight (13)
Stone Road, Bend (17)
Stone Road, Bend, Small (6)
Stone Road, 3-Way A (10)
Stone Road, 3-Way B (2)
Stone Road, 3-Way C (2)
Stone Road, 4-Way A (3)
Stone Road, 4-Way B (6)
Stone Wall (9)
Stone Wall w/ Tower (9)
Wooden Wall (33)
Wooden Wall Tower (3)

Part 2 (Glaciers & Icebergs)

Tiles: 222
Tile Overlays: 0
Items: 0
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 222

Tile Categories: 16
Ice/Glacier (6)
Glacier Shore 1 (12)
Glacier Shore 2A (18)
Glacier Shore 2B (18)
Glacier Shore 3A (18)
Glacier Shore 3B (18)
Glacier Shore 4 (18)
Glacier Shore 5 (12)
Glacier to Snow 1 (6)
Glacier to Snow 2 (7)
Glacier to Snow 3 (17)
Glacier to Snow 4 (12)
Glacier to Snow 5 (6)
Icebergs 1A (20)
Icebergs 1B (20)
Icebergs 2 (14)

Part 3 (Deserts)

Tiles: 288
Tile Overlays: 0
Items: 0
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 288

Tile Categories: 20
Desert (6)
Desert to Grass 1 (12)
Desert to Grass 2A (18)
Desert to Grass 2B (18)
Desert to Grass 3A (18)
Desert to Grass 3B (18)
Desert to Grass 4A (18)
Desert to Grass 4B (18)
Desert to Grass 5 (12)
Grass, Desert Patch 1 (30)
Grass, Desert Patch 2 (6)
Coast, Desert 1 (12)
Coast, Desert 2A (18)
Coast, Desert 2B (18)
Coast, Desert 3A (18)
Coast, Desert 3B (18)
Coast, Desert 4 (6)
Coast, Desert 5 (6)
Islands, Desert 1 (12)
Islands, Desert 2 (6)


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