ISO Pathways 1 – Rocky


Download Link: ISO Pathways 1 – Rocky (11.4 MB)

This Add-On allows you to create pathways (these could either be roads or footpaths, depending on your map scale) on isometric exterior layouts by snapping pre-textured path sections together. The Add-On contains 13 distinct path types, with each path type comprised of 11 unique assets (curves, straights, intersections, etc.), and a further 15 sets which are color mods, for a total of 28 sets.

This Add-On contains only Tiles. The content is suitable for use in virtually any genre. Commercial Use and Publishing are allowed. Asset resolution is not suitable for printing.

Credits: Original artwork by Screaming Brain Studios. Additional color mods created by Hernan Ruiz Camauer, exclusively for this MapForge Add-On, to provide additional variety.

Note: As you might surmise from this Add-On’s name, there are plans to make other Pathway Add-Ons in the future, covering different terrain types.

Artwork Resolution (pixels per grid square): 84

Note: This product is only usable in the MapForge software (v1.3.1 or higher). It is not a collection of stand-alone graphics, but rather a single, copy-protected file which is only accessible to the MapForge software.

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CompareSold By: Battlegrounds Games


Tiles: 308
Tile Overlays: 0
Items: 0
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 308

Tile Categories: 28
Rocky Path 1 (11)
Rocky Path 1 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 2 (11)
Rocky Path 2 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 3 (11)
Rocky Path 3 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 4 (11)
Rocky Path 4 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 5 (11)
Rocky Path 5 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 5 Alt 2 (11)
Rocky Path 6 (11)
Rocky Path 6 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 7 (11)
Rocky Path 7 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 8 (11)
Rocky Path 8 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 9 (11)
Rocky Path 9 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 10 (11)
Rocky Path 10 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 11 (11)
Rocky Path 11 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 12 (11)
Rocky Path 12 Alt (11)
Rocky Path 12 Alt 2 (11)
Rocky Path 13 (11)
Rocky Path 13 Alt (11)