Rustic Nature


This Add-On is part of the “Dystopian Utopia Collection”.

It contains everything you need to make exterior maps with a natural/rustic theme. It offers a wide selection of natural terrains, including grass, dirt, snow, dirt roads, footpaths, gravel, mud, water, etc. Also included are modular terrain presets for depicting beaches, swamps/marshes, etc. Trenches, cliffs, and embankments, too. It also offers some signs of civilization, such as log cabins, huts, boats, wooden carts, farm tools, and even a wooden bridge. Lastly, it offers a wide variety of vegetation (trees, bushes, potted plants), and placeable elements such as puddles, boulders, fields of flowers, scattered leaves, and the like, to give your maps an exquisite level of detail.

While most of his content is well-suited for any game genre, it also includes some content that is best suited for Modern Day or Post-Apocalyptic settings.

Artwork Resolution (pixels per grid square): 128

Note: This product is only usable in the MapForge software (v1.3.9 or higher). It is not a collection of stand-alone graphics, but rather a single, copy-protected file which requires a registration code for the content to be accessible to the MapForge software.

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CompareSold By: Battlegrounds Games


Tiles: 418
Tile Overlays: 329
Items: 287
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 1043

Tile Categories: 30
Arid Dirt (16)
Cracked Mud (20)
Dark Brown Earth (3)
Dark Green Grass (16)
Dirt (4)
Dirt Path, Red (8)
Dry Grass (18)
Earth (33)
Earth Alt (33)
Grass (8)
Gravelly Dirt (20)
Grey Gravel (11)
Sand (4)
Snow (4)
Snow & Water (5)
Beach (21)
Beach Alt (21)
Bridge, Makeshift (8)
Dirt Floor, Uneven (20)
Dirt Path (6)
Dirt Roads (22)
Dirt Roads Alt (22)
Earth Pile (3)
Embankment (16)
Footpath (16)
Rocky Terrain (3)
Swamp/Marsh (24)
Swamp/Marsh, Corners (12)
Trench (12)
Water (9)

Tile Overlay Categories: 24
Cliffs (14)
Huts (4)
Log Cabins (30)
Log Cabins, Gables (12)
Log Cabins, Other (14)
Log Cabins, Ruined (18)
Log Cabins, Snow (16)
Log Cabins, Gables, Snow (12)
Log Cabins Alt (28)
Log Cabins, Gables Alt (12)
Log Cabins, Other Alt (14)
Log Cabins, Ruined Alt (18)
Log Cabins, Snow Alt (21)
Log Cabins, Gables, Snow Alt (12)
Log Piles (8)
Tree Canopies (3)
Tree Segments, Base (20)
Tree Segments, Middle (16)
Tree Segments, Top (18)
Trees with Leaves (9)
Trees, Conifers (23)
Trees, Leafless (11)
Trees, Palm (2)
Trees, Swamp (4)

Item Categories: 31
Boats (2)
Boats, Ruined (5)
Boulders (8)
Covered Wells (4)
Cracks & Craters (12)
Doghouses (2)
Driftwood (6)
Fallen Trees (8)
Flowers (4)
Grass Patches (4)
Hay (5)
Hay Bales & Haystacks (7)
Icicles (6)
Leaves (7)
Posts & Poles (20)
Potted Plants (11)
Puddles (4)
Reeds (6)
Scattered Rocks (5)
Scrub Grass (16)
Snow Clumps (17)
Snow Patches (11)
Snow, Miscellaneous (7)
Swamp Vegetation (16)
Thatch Walls (12)
Tools (23)
Vegetation (32)
Wooden Carts (4)
Wooden Debris (10)
Wooden Poles (8)
Odds & Ends (5)


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