Tiles: 237
Tile Overlays: 227
Items: 12
Textures: 37
Total Number of Assets: 476
Tile Categories: 13
Steel Floor 1 (12)
Steel Floor 1, Stripes (16)
Steel Floor 1, Vents (13)
Steel Floor 2 (22)
Steel Floor 2, Stripes (16)
Steel Floor 2, Misc (11)
Non-Slip Metal Floor 1 (17)
Non-Slip Metal Floor 2 (17)
Non-Slip Metal Floor 3 (17)
Stairs, Style 1 (32)
Stairs, Style 1, Spiral (16)
Stairs, Style 2 (32)
Stairs, Style 2, Spiral (16)
Tile Overlay Categories: 30
Hall Doorway, North (4)
Hall Doorway, East (4)
Hall Doorway, South (4)
Hall Doorway, West (4)
Hall Dead End, North (4)
Hall Dead End, East (4)
Hall Dead End, South (4)
Hall Dead End, West (4)
Wall, North (14)
Wall, East (15)
Wall, South (15)
Wall, West (15)
Wall, NE Corner (3)
Wall, SE Corner (3)
Wall, SW Corner (3)
Wall, NW Corner (3)
Wall, Curved, 5 ft (20)
Wall, Curved, 10 ft (20)
Wall, Outer Corner (12)
Wall, Diagonal (12)
Wall, Angled Corner (4)
Doorway, North (4)
Doorway, East (4)
Doorway, South (4)
Doorway, West (4)
Doorway, NE Corner (8)
Doorway, SE Corner (8)
Doorway, SW Corner (8)
Doorway, NW Corner (8)
Window (8)
Item Categories: 1
Doors (12)
Texture Categories: 5
Steel Floor 1 (12)
Steel Floor 2 (22)
Non-Slip Metal Floor 1 (1)
Non-Slip Metal Floor 2 (1)
Non-Slip Metal Floor 3 (1)
Artwork Resolution (pixels per grid square): 180
Note: This product is only usable in the MapForge software. It is not a collection of stand-alone graphics, but rather a single, copy-protected file which requires a registration code for the content to be accessible to the MapForge software.
The small tiles in this set provide very granular control of the layout. The trade-off is that assembling maps will take longer than it would with other Add-Ons that provide larger tiles.
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