Tavern Walls


Download: Tavern Walls (8 MB)

This is the second non-CSUAC Add-On produced by the Patreon campaign, and it’s intended to let you create tavern walls (or other rustic-style interior walls) in 4 different styles, or color schemes.

The artwork was created by Lokistics, an artist on DevianArt. The original set that inspired this Add-On is available here, should you want the stand-alone PNGs (license/usage details are also available there).

This Add-On contains Items only (328 assets).

Commercial use is allowed, but the artist would like to be credited when you use his artwork, so please keep that in mind. Additional color mods have been added by Hernan Ruiz Camauer, exclusively for this MapForge Add-On.

Artwork Resolution (pixels per grid square): 200

Dev Notes: For this MapForge Add-On, I excluded a couple of styles in the original set (they looked too similar, in my opinion) and instead replaced them with two new (lighter-colored) styles that I created via color mods. I also added half-length wall segments, which should prove useful.

You can use the Draw Tools in MapForge to draw textured floor regions for these Tavern Walls to be placed over.

Search Hints: MapForge’s Search feature will allow very useful filtering of the assets this Add-On contains. Search tags of particular importance include:

“Dark Center” or “Light Center” (pick one)

“Dark Edge” or “Light Edge” (pick one)

The 4 possible combinations determined by the tag choices above will determine which of the 4 included asset styles to use, and will show only assets of that style as you map.

The “Easy Mode” tag filters out everything except for basic walls, corners, doors and windows, allowing you to map out basic structures in record time.

See the attached image for an example of how you might combine these tags in a Search.

Note: This product is only usable in the MapForge software. It is not a collection of stand-alone graphics, but rather a single, copy-protected file which is only accessible to the MapForge software.

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CompareSold By: Battlegrounds Games


Tiles: 0
Tile Overlays: 0
Items: 328
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 328

Item Categories: 18
Walls, E-W (24)
Walls, N-S (24)
Walls, NW Corner (16)
Walls, NE Corner (16)
Walls, SE Corner (16)
Walls, SW Corner (16)
Walls, X (4)
Walls, T (16)
Walls, TX (16)
Dividers, From North (32)
Dividers, From East (32)
Dividers, From South (32)
Dividers, From West (32)
Center Dividers A (11)
Center Dividers B (11)
Center Dividers C (11)
Center Dividers D (11)
Wall Segments (8)