Terrain Hexagons – Autumn


This is one of many Add-Ons in the Terrain Hexagons series, which allows GMs to quickly make area and regional maps out of hex-shaped tiles. Each Add-On in this series depicts a different type of terrain, terrain feature, or biome.

This Add-On contains autumn assets for in the Terrain Hexagons series.

This Add-On is best suited for fantasy/medieval settings, but could be used for other genres as well.

Additional previews of this Add-On’s contents can be found here.

All artwork in this Add-On was created by No Player Character. His Patreon campaign can be found here.

Artwork Resolution (pixels per grid square): 110 (best for use in maps that will be used in virtual tabletop software, as resolution is too low for use in printed maps, unless you opt for half-inch hexes)

Note: This product is only usable in the MapForge software (v1.2.0 or higher). It is not a collection of stand-alone graphics, but rather a single, copy-protected file which requires a registration code for the content to be accessible to the MapForge software.

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CompareSold By: NoPlayerCharacter


Tiles: 42
Tile Overlays: 3
Items: 0
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 45

Tile Categories: 7
Farms (7)
Forests (12)
Grass (3)
Ponds (2)
Rocks (2)
Settlements (4)
Vegetation (12)

Tile Overlay Categories: 1
Settlements (3)