

This Add-On supports making village maps by offering a wide selection of placeable buildings, with separate roofs to allow mapping both interiors (furnished or unfurnished) and exteriors. Includes Items, such as chimneys, fireplaces, doors, and stairs, to allow a GM to further customize the houses.

This Add-On is best suited for fantasy/medieval settings, but much of it could also be used in Western maps.

Additional previews of this Add-On’s contents can be found here.

All artwork in this Add-On was created by Gabriel Pickard.

Artwork Resolution (pixels per grid square): 140 (best for use in maps that will be used in virtual tabletop software, as resolution might be too low for use in printed maps)

Note: This product is only usable in the MapForge software. It is not a collection of stand-alone graphics, but rather a single, copy-protected file which requires a registration code for the content to be accessible to the MapForge software.

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CompareSold By: Gabriel Pickard


This set is so vast (369 assets) that it has been separated into 2 distinct Add-Ons.

Part 1 includes Buildings 1-22.
Part 2 includes Buildings 23-43.
The placeable Tile Overlays and Items for customizing the buildings are available in both sets.

Part 1

Tiles: 164
Tile Overlays: 9
Items: 5
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 178

Tile Categories: 22
Building 1 (6)
Building 2 (6)
Building 3 (6)
Building 4 (6)
Building 5 (6)
Building 6 (6)
Building 7 (6)
Building 8 (6)
Building 9 (5)
Building 10 (5)
Building 11 (5)
Building 12 (5)
Building 13 (5)
Building 14 (10)
Building 15 (10)
Building 16 (9)
Building 17 (10)
Building 18 (10)
Building 19 (10)
Building 20 (11)
Building 21 (11)
Building 22 (10)

Tile Overlay Categories: 2
Door Cutouts (4)
Stairs (5)

Item Categories: 1
Placeables (5)

Part 2

Tiles: 191
Tile Overlays: 9
Items: 5
Textures: 0
Total Number of Assets: 205

Tile Categories: 21
Building 23 (10)
Building 24 (10)
Building 25 (10)
Building 26 (10)
Building 27 (10)
Building 28 (10)
Building 29 (10)
Building 30 (10)
Building 31 (10)
Building 32 (9)
Building 33 (9)
Building 34 (10)
Building 35 (8)
Building 36 (8)
Building 37 (8)
Building 38 (9)
Building 39 (8)
Building 40 (8)
Building 41 (8)
Building 42 (8)
Building 43 (8)

Tile Overlay Categories: 2
Door Cutouts (4)
Stairs (5)

Item Categories: 1
Placeables (5)