MapForge is offered as a free download, for you to try out and evaluate prior to purchasing a license. The software is offered “as is”, without any guarantee that it will run on your particular PC, or be completely bug free (there’s no such thing, even for large companies like Microsoft or Apple). There’s no standing policy of “100% satisfaction or your money back”.
If a customer has an issue that only manifests when a license is installed, we will consider refunding the purchase price of the license, and then only after the customer has sought help troubleshooting their issue (to rule out user error or a misconfiguration of the PC). Content Add-Ons, however, cannot be refunded, under any circumstance (there is no way to revoke a registration code once it has been issued).
We suggest that you first try out the app with some of the 60 free content Add-Ons (not all active at once, though!), and only purchase paid content Add-Ons once you are satisfied with the software’s performance, since the Add-Ons are useless without the software itself. We recommend purchasing only 1 or 2 content Add-Ons initially, to minimize your risk. If, after using the software and the content for a while, you are happy with the performance and the results you are getting, by all means, feel free to buy more content Add-Ons. But please don’t buy a ton of content up front without even having tried the software, because you will not be getting a full refund should there be a problem.